Solitaire® P


The T+A Solitaire® P

Like the Solitaire series of loudspeakers, the new Solitaire P symbolises the experience, expertise and commitment in the design and development of sound transducers which have been our hallmark for 41 years. These new corded Over-Ear headphones have been developed by a team of young engineers and experienced physicists who share a deep passion for music.

The minimalist design of the Solitaire P references the iconic T+A High-End series, and - like all T+A devices - addresses aesthetes just as much as those who appreciate music, innovation and modern craftsmanship.

In technical terms the Solitaire P represents a milestone: the sophisticated planar-magnetostatic design philosophy, with its ultra-lightweight diaphragm and planar drive, offers enormous physical advantages and concomitant sonic benefits.

The sound image is enriched by details which you have never previously noticed: the touch of a string exhibits an unprecedented wealth of fine detail; when a cymbal is struck, it seems that you perceive the movement of every individual air molecule.


It is our firm belief that precision needs time: at the T+A headphone workbenches all the components of the Solitaire P are assembled by hand. This is where all the parts come together, are completed and checked one last time before final assembly occurs. Once completed, every set of headphones is subjected to a final technical, acoustic and visual examination.



The core of the Solitaire P is a special diaphragm on which our sophisticated conductor array is applied by vapour deposition. It is only by means of accurate calculation that the full area of the diaphragm can be exploited, and it is this which brings the theoretical advantages of the planar-magnetostatic system to full fruition. Nineteen high-performance neodymium magnets drive the diaphragm through precisely calculated magnetic field lines. The precise design of the retaining rings and the magnet mount maintain the diaphragm’s position accurately in the linear part of the magnetic field, ensuring that it is able to generate high sound pressures without distortion. This is the key to the headphones’ enormous dynamic range and precision, which reaches the listener’s ears virtually devoid of inertia. Like the chassis of a sports car, the cables used with headphones play an essential role in the transmission of power. Ours are of symmetrical construction, and their matched impedance ensures that the extraordinary performance of the transducers can unfold to the full. The Solitaire P is supplied with two cables based on ultra-pure copper (OFC) conductors with a carefully defined silver layer: one with a 6.3 mm barrel connector, and the second with a symmetrical 4.4 mm Pentaconn connector which offers optimum transfer resistance for the best possible sound quality.

The headphone amplifier

The HA 200 has been developed from the ground up as a completely new design of headphone amplifier, setting entirely new standards in respect of technology and appearance. The impedance of the three headphone outputs can be accurately fine-tuned to match the headphones in use. The HA 200 is based on analogue T+A HV technology. Its high-performance output stages operate in Class-A mode with a high idle current, and are effortlessly capable of driving even the most demanding of headphones. The high-quality mains sections - one digital, one analogue - feature two separate torroidal transformers and provide the necessary stamina. Like all current T+A DACs the new HA 200 also features a carefully optimised and completely separate decoder architecture for DSD and PCM, ensuring that all digital formats are decoded to the highest standards. All the digital signal processing of PCM data is carried out by our superlative double differential quadruple converter, with a conversion rate of up to 768 kHz. The unique analogue T+A True 1-Bit DSD converter is employed for DSD data; rather than converting the DSD data, it processes them in native Bitstream form. This means that DSD data up to DSD 1024, as they arrive from the USB input of the digital connecting board, can be reproduced in the very highest quality.

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T+A stands for "theory and application" in all areas of audio technology. Founded in 1978, T+A elektroakustik GmbH & Co., based in Herford, Germany, develops, refines and produces hi-fi components of the highest quality. Our company has a constant goal: to create perfect high-end products for its customers. From audio systems to loudspeakers to accessories: T+A products are characterized by extremely long product cycles, a long service life and extensive expansion options. All T+A products are developed and manufactured in Germany. Learn more about T+A and its products. Stay up to date on new developments, updates and interesting events.

T+A Hifi