DAC 8 and MP 3000 HV

I have sound dropouts and interferences during playback from a MAC computer (MAC OS X <= 10.9)
Possible cause is that the driver required for USB HiSpeed mode is not installed or not installed correctly. It can also happen that an already installed driver does not work properly due to a security update of the MAC operating system.
If you haven't installed a driver yet, please refer to point 4.
If a driver is already installed, which does not work properly anymore, please proceed as follows:
1. Delete the installed driver by deleting the file' TplusAUSBAudio. kext'. The file is located on the hard disk (e. g.' Macintosh HD') under: System -> Library -> Extensions -> TplusAUSBAudio. kext
(Attention! There is also the path: Library -> Extensions....).
2. Disconnect the USB connection from the DAC8 / MP3000HV to the MAC.
3. turn off the computer
Installing the T+A driver
4. Start the computer.
5. Download the latest driver version DAC8 or MP 3000 HV from the T+A website.
6. Double-click on the file' TplusAUSBASY-273.4.1. pkg' and run the installation.
7. Restart the computer.
8. Connect the DAC8 / MP3000HV and turn it on.
9. Select the DAC8 / MP3000HV as the playback device.
The playback should now work correctly.
I have sound dropouts and interferences during playback from a MAC computer with MAC OS X 10.10
Since the "Yosemite" operating system (OS X 10.10), Apple no longer allows the use of unsigned third-party device drivers. It is therefore no longer possible to install the T+A device driver for the DAC 8 and MP 3000 HV. In order to continue using the DAC 8 and MP 3000 HV on an Apple computer, the signature query must be deactivated.